Monday, April 27, 2009

Early Morning Rain Shower

Early Morning Rain Shower
8x10 Oil on Canvas

On this particular Autumn day I was trying to figure out what to paint. A dilemma. I happened to turn and look out my studio window and noticed a rainbow just to the west of us. A short lived rain squall but definitely a photo op which resulted in this painting.

If interested please contact me at:

Early Morning Frost

Early Morning Frost
8x10 oil on canvas

One early January Morning we awoke to a winter wonderland with the hoarfrost covering everything with a 1 1/2" coat. The sun was out creating a dazzling display.

If interested contact me at:

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Apple Blossom Time

Apple Blossom Time
12x16 Oil on Canvas

After a long winter, I can't wait for the old apple tree near where we live to blossom. Even though it is not cared for other than by Mother nature, it always puts on a spectacular floral display. I manage to bring home a branch to paint as a result of last years bloom this painting came to be.

If interested please contact me at:
Good morning,

After several days of cold and blustery weather the sun has finally decided to show itself. Our furnace was on the fritz for 10 days and consequently, i didn't get much painting done. The studio was a bit chilly. Now that the sun is out and my mood has lifted I hope to get at it again today. The grass is finally turning green! Hooray!

:) Marcie

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Aspen Walk

"Aspen Walk"
18x24 Oil on Canvas
$475 Unframed

I love walking through aspen groves in the fall. The rustling of the leaves as they move with the changing breeze brings calmness to a rushed world. Sit with me a moment and watch and listen. The color changes so rapidly that you can almost hear it.

If interested please contact me at:

Change in the Weather - Early Summer

Change in the Weather - Early Summer

18x24 Oil on Canvas
$475 Unframed

Along the Blue Mountains of Eastern Oregon the weather changes rapidly, especially in the Spring and Summer. A storm is brewing but the sun breaks through to bring excitement to this summer pasture.

If interested please contact me at:

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Farmers Market Offerings

Farmers Market Offerings
12x16 Oil on Canvas

During the spring and summer months we have a Farmers Market nearby that I love to frequent, not only for the great fruits and veggies but also the flowers that I don't have in my garden. This bouquet of sunflowers, zinnias and little blue pincushion like flowers just begged to come home and be painted.

If interested please contact me at:

Saturday, March 21, 2009


8x10 Oil on Canvas
Price: $165

Toward the end of summer it's time for the harvest season. Near my home is a hay field which had just been cut for drying prior to baling. The patterns of the windrows reminded me of waves stretching toward the horizon. A painting was born!

If interested please contact me at:

Hello Spring!

A new painting has just been added after a two week delay while putting finishing touches on several larger pieces. I'm getting ready for a couple of upcoming shows here at Crossroads Carnegie Art Center in April and May. The May show should be fun as it will feature "Mothers and Daughters". My daughter is also an artist and will be showing her work along with mine. The April show features Gifts from the Garden and is our yearly Regional Show. The first week in June will be the Wallowa Valley Festival which is held at Enterprise, OR. Such a beautiful setting and a pleasure to participate in this prestigious show. Please plan on attending any or all of these venues. Now back to the easel for me!

Powder River - Late Winter

Powder River - Late Winter
8x10 Oil on Canvas

Price: $165


Even though Spring has just begun it wasn't but a few short weeks ago that our ground was covered with snow, the river frozen over and the air crisp and cold. The painting features my favorite willow tree that has probably seen many seasons as it sits overlooking the river as it courses through the valley. This particular day it was overcast with just a hint of sunlight breaking through. Now we await the first crocus!

If interested please contact me at:

Saturday, February 14, 2009

High Country Spring

High Country Spring
12x16 Oil on Canvas

You will find many meadows when you travel throughout the Elkhorn Mountains. In the spring and early summer the wildflowers come out in profusion which inspires me to put brush to paint after a long cold winter.
If interested please contact me at:

Monterrey Pines

Monterrey Pines
16x20 Oil on Canvas

On a trip up Highway 1 along the California Coast we came upon these pine trees near Monterrey. The formation of those trees that had been so shaped by the prevailing winds made an interesting composition.

If interested please contact me at:

Zion Morning

Zion Morning
12x16 oil on canvas
$350 Unframed

We lived in Arizona for a number of years and camped throughout the red rock country. This particular site was located in Zion National Park. The play of light on the green trees in the foreground really sparkled against the red cliffs beyond.
If interested please contact me at:

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Early Summer Vistas

Early Summer Vistas
12x16 oil on canvas
$350 unframed

Here in Baker Valley we can hardly wait for Spring to arrive with the greening of the fields and wild iris blooming in profusion. This is one of my favorite places to paint from.
If interested please contact me at:

View from the Sparta Grade

A View From Sparta Grade
12x16 oil on canvas
$350 unframed

One of my favorite views of the Wallowa Mountains is from the little town of Sparta, which used to be a stage stop in the early years. On this particular day the storm clouds were forming over the Wallowa Mountains.

If interested please contact me at:

Wild Onions

Wild Onions
12x16 oil on canvas
$350 unframed

When traveling into the Wallowa Mountain scenic view areas in mid to late June one comes across this field of wild onion which blooms a bright magenta where you wouldn't think anything could grow.

If interested please contact me at:

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


8x10 oil on canvas

There is a wooded area near our home where deer often bed down. One morning I was walking through and came across this young doe.

If interested please contact me at:

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Summer Daisies

Summer Daisies
8x10 Oil on Canvas
$165 Unframed

A bowl of summer daisies is always an inspiration, especially when I pick them fresh from the garden.

If interested, please contact me at:

Azalea Blooms

Azalea Blooms
8x10 oil on canvas
$165 unframed
This azalea plant sits in the window of my living room and has been blooming almost continuously for over 3 years. I have no idea why it just seems to be happy here. I finally got around to capturing it in paint.

If interested, please contact me at:

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Snake River Overlook

Snake River Overlook
8x10 oil on canvas
$165 unframed

One of my favorite places to sit and sketch and listen to the wind in the pines. Mid-June the flowers are in bloom and if you are real quiet, you can hear the river far below.
If interested please contact me at:

Courting Swans

Courting Swans
16x20 oil on canvas

This painting was a while in its inception. I watched this pair as they courted in a pond near to where I lived in Montana. They mate for life and spend a great deal of time in getting acquainted. Subsequently, 8 cygnets were hatched. What fun too watch!
If interested please contact me at:

Autumn Glow

Autumn Glow
12x16 oil on canvas

One early fall morning I glanced out my studio window and saw the sun lighting the trees beyond. A true inspiration.
If interested please contact me at:

Autumn Splendor

Autumn Splendor
12x16 oil on canvas
$350 unframed

I love to paint en plein aire as weather permits and this particular fall day was just gorgeous. The aspen were in high color and begged to be set down on canvas
If interested please contact me at:

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Summer Fields

Summer Fields
12x16 oil on canvas
$350 unframed
This painting reflects the summe fields after harvest time in the Wallowa Valley.
If interested please contact me at:

Mount Hood

Mt. Hood
12x16 oil on canvas
$350 unframed

This painting was a result of a painting session with my daughter. We were trying some new mediums and I liked the result.
If interested please contact me at:

Evening Sunset

Evening Sunset
12x16 oil on canvas
$350 unframed

This painting was created en plain aire from a vantage point in the Wallowa Mountains of Oregon.

If interested please contact me at: